
About me

Mario has amassed over 15 years of experience leading clients through diverse creative projects. His expertise ranges from crafting hand-drawn illustrations for small business owners and budding entrepreneurs to collaborating with large corporate teams, where a deep comprehension of brand identity and design systems is essential for success. Utilizing his extensive background, Mario adeptly navigates complex projects, ensuring stakeholders are guided effectively while maintaining high visual standards to achieve desired outcomes.

With a primary focus on illustration throughout his creative journey, Mario possesses a multifaceted skill set encompassing logo creation, iconography strategy, motion graphics, typographic layout, hierarchy, and color theory. This diverse expertise provides him with a comprehensive perspective on visual identity across various contexts.

While Mario often undertakes self-initiated projects, he thrives on collaborative environments, finding inspiration and fulfillment in teamwork. Whether serving as a consultative voice or taking the lead in implementing design strategies, Mario is equally at ease collaborating with like-minded and driven creatives.